Dock In

Dock-in takes place in May every spring. Sections of dock, steel and aluminum boat hoists, mooring posts, moorings and storage racks all go back into the lake after the ice is off. The next step is to put the sailboats in the lake!

Other Duties

Opening the clubhouse for the season, cleaning up the grounds, and maintaining the waterfront. As a member-owned and operated club, volunteering is at the heart of CSC’s character and affordability. The opening and closing of the club, known as Dock-In and Dock-out, are one-day efforts that require all hands to be at the club and ready to work. Dock-out usually takes place during the first weekend of October, with Dock-In usually taking place the first weekend in May.

Skilled maintenance, such as electrical and plumbing may be hired but periodic work sessions are held to maintain the physical health of the facility. All members are expected to contribute labor to these efforts, to their ability.