Photo above: Residents from the greater Crystal Michigan community gathered at Crystal Lake Sailing Club years ago

In 1961 Vince Wright and Dr. Tom Baker sent out a notice to all known sailors and sailboat owners after taking a census of all sailboats they could find around Crystal Lake in Crystal Township.

An informal meeting of interested sailors took place at the Crystal Township Hall, August 12, 1961.

On that day, those responding to the notice met at the Crystal Township Hall to discuss starting a club to promote sailing, sailboat racing, and camaraderie among sailors on Crystal Lake.

This organization was in response to a notice mailed to all known sailors and sailboat owners by Vince Wright and Dr. Tom Baker, who had taken an informal census of all sailboats they could find around the lake. Crystal Sailing Club (CSC) was conceived at that meeting.

Enough interest was expressed to try an informal series of races as part of the newly created organization, CSC, during the fall of that year. Some of the attempts at handicapping the mixed fleet were crude, but we were learning and having a lot of fun.

So, on Sunday, November 19, 1961, a group met in Lansing to sign the Articles of Incorporation to get our baby officially born. All who signed up prior to May 5, 1962 were designated as Charter Members.

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